Interview with Sidin Vadukut | Author

Sidin VadukutSidin Vadukut is the author of the best-selling Dork trilogy which takes a satirical dig at corporate life, specifically the management consulting industry.

The trilogy comprises: DORK: The Incredible Adventures of Robin ‘Einstein’ VargheseGod Save The Dork and Who Let The Dork Out?

The series has gone into several reprints and even after close to three years of release of the first book, the trilogy is still going strong – a testament to the author’s remarkable story-telling skills and his ability to keep a reading audience hooked to every word.

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How to Write the Ending of your Story

Do you remember the short story The Lady or the Tiger? All suspected criminals in a kingdom are put through an unusual trial – the criminal is sent to an open arena and has to open one out of two doors in front of the entire kingdom. Behind one door there is a beautiful bride, blushing and dressed in bridal finery while behind the other prowls a hungry tiger. Depending on the door the criminal opens, he either gains a wife (irrespective of his marital status) or loses his life.

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