Market your book online with these internet marketing tips

How should an author market his/her book at minimum cost? How to use social media (facebook, twitter) to promote books online? These are perhaps the questions foremost on the minds of authors who don’t (yet) have a PR machinery in place. A full media campaign, we know, is rupee-guzzling and a first-time author is often dependent almost entirely on the publisher’s initiatives to market his/her book since the author may not be able to afford a full media campaign to publicize their novel. Most publishing contracts require authors too to do their fair share of offline and online book marketing. So what should authors do?

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9 Writing Stimulators to combat Writer's Block

Writer's block
You can’t think yourself out of a writing block, you have to write yourself out of a thinking block.
– John Rogers
In our earlier post we gave you some ideas about what creative activities you can pursue when you want to take a break from writing. If you missed it, here’s the post –> 4 Creative writing tips to make you a better writer.
But what happens when you are unable to write?

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4 Creative writing tips to make you a better writer

No new creative writing ideas. The words seem to be on strike. You read what you’ve written and are completely dissatisfied and suddenly you don’t feel like writing. You know that there is a better way of writing something it just won’t come to you.

Or you’ve written a few pages and have no idea what to do next and worse still, you are suddenly B-O-R-E-D with your story and you have this overwhelming urge to abandon it.

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